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Employment / Entrepreneur Visa

High successful rate

Hong Kong government welcomes talents / professionals who process technical skills, knowledge and experience to work and invest in Hong Kong. 

With no major capital investment commitment, you can work or doing business in Hong Kong by applying for 

  1. Employment / working visa

  2. Entrepreneur visa


​We would evaluate your opportunity of success and develop proposals to present your case in the most favorable light.

Working Visa: Services

Employment / Entrepreneur visa

Employment / Working visa

Employment / Working Visa

When candidates get valid employment by a Hong Kong or overseas companies, they would be granted employment / working visas.  After staying in Hong Kong for over 7 years, they would be given permanent Hong Kong ID card.​


Key to success:  possess sound education background, solid working experience and command salaries and benefit above local labor market. 


Successful candidate will be:

  • Clear Criminal Record

  • Good Education Background \ Technical Qualifications

  • Proven Professional Abilities \ Experiences

  • Confirmed Offer of Employment Related to Your Background

  • Remuneration Packaging is Prevailing with HK Level



  • 8 weeks to process.

  • Initial stay is 1 year, renewable for 2 years x 3 times.   

  • After 7-year stay in Hong Kong, candidates may apply for the permanent Hong Kong identity card.

Men with Calculator

Entrepreneur Visa

Entrepreneurs who choose to set up their own business and self-employed can consider applying investment visa.  No minimum amount of investment is requirement.


Key to success: business would benefit the Hong Kong society, create employments, drive innovation and technology.


Successful candidate will be:

  • Clear Criminal Record

  • Good Education Background / Technical Qualifications

  • Proven business plan that can make substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong

  • Businesses that create local employment, introduce new technology or skills

  • A local Hong Kong resident act as your sponsor.


  • 8 weeks to process.

  • Initial stay is 1 year, renewable for 2 years x 3 times.   

  • After 7-year stay in Hong Kong, candidates may apply for the permanent Hong Kong identity card.

Documents and Blurred Business Men
Working Visa: Services

Incubation Funds Offer to Start-ups

To nurture innovation and embrace technology, a number of incubation funds are offer to start-ups or new business that have innovation ideas and utilize technology in business.  


These funds are given out to start-ups and business with no repayment requirements.

Conference Room
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HK$300,000 offer by Cyberport

Committed to nurturing and supporting start-ups at different development stages, Cyberport offer up to HK$330,000 to attract world talents with innovation ideas to domicile in Hong Kong

HK$5 million offer by Innovation and Technology Bureau

The Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living ("FBL") is a scheme for funding innovation and technology ("I&T") projects which will make people's daily living more convenient, comfortable and safer, or address the needs of specific community groups.  Projects should involve the innovative application of technologies

Working Visa: News and Updates
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